Claudiu Popa

Claudiu Popa

Claudiu Popa is a public speaker, cybersecurity expert and passionate defender of privacy rights who engages audiences through storytelling to catalyze positive social change in Canada.

Sharpen Your Cybersafety Arsenal

Claudiu introduces 3 essential cybersafety razors: 1. Anti-Phishing: Treat suspicious messages like phishing. 2. Data Breach: Assume stolen data is exploited. 3. Cyber Extortion: Ransomware equals compromised data. Stay vigilant!

The New NSFW (with cats)

NSFW is passé with remote work, but beware of cyber threats like extortion, fraud, clickbait, and surveillance. Password hygiene, skepticism towards emails, and cautious clicking are vital for security. Privacy is a precious asset in the digital age, worth safeguarding at all costs.

Do We Need More Privacy Laws?

Legislators worldwide are enacting laws to safeguard personal information, yet some laws may seem redundant or overly specific. Are these measures truly necessary, or should we focus on refining existing legislation for better efficacy?


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